Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ask Jack: Haiku applications, so a Job + Job of the Week

Application with ...

AOL Jobs player David is looking for work and getting a little frustrated with the application process. He asks:

This is exactly what companies want to hear? I answered an ad yesterday in which I had to write a haiku and also tell you three things I take with me to a desert island.

That seems fair
if the work of poets
on a small island

(Hmm, maybe I should of.) David, it sounds ridiculous, and we can add to the long list of application and interview questions for stupid and unnecessary fears. It is a pity that so few HR managers have training in the process of finding candidates. So, instead, rely on your personality reactions made visceral and absurd questions of another person. Haiku, deserted islands, where do you see yourself in five years: None of this is important to us! The important thing is: If the candidate has the necessary skills to work? As a candidate, you have no choice but to play the game; sounds like what the employer is looking for people who are creative and imaginative. Also be sure to note in your cover letter your most important experiences: where previous work has shown that they meet the required tasks. Use as many lines and syllables you need.

Jessica said:

I have just discovered that I, I asked for a new job !! I'm so excited. But I have to say that my current job I am. My boss is very good, so I feel a little nervous. What is the best way to handle this?

Congratulations, Jessica, that's great! Hmm, I know this guy David who want to recommend the old house, especially if they need sonnets and rhymes. Certainly it can be difficult to announce that you are leaving a job in which you have been treated well. "Take This Job and Shove It!" simply do not apply. And who knows, your path may cross with his former employers again, so it's best to keep everything up-and-up. (Actually, that part of being a decent human being.)

The time is to be considered a key element: Are you able to more than two weeks notice to terminate ongoing projects and training a replacement? (But try him a break between two jobs, which can be very useful to decompress, to enter.) You can even say that you would be willing to answer some questions after the change. Almost at the same time to tell the boss: Ask to meet in person and just be honest and straight: She loved the work and the people, and has learned many things, but this is an excellent opportunity to advance your career. The head may initially be surprised or bad, but believe me, they'll get over it. And do not hurt if they do not want 2 weeks and its all for your help: Life is going to happen often, so let's try, but necessity. At this point, go for ice cream; You deserve it!

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem working for Jack? Write it in the comments below (the best answers to questions this week are also welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs #AskJack with the hashtag.

Jack Workweek

If the mention of ice excited as I am, that's a big job: Head of Purchasing, milk and ice for Dairy Farmers of America! In your letter, you can write:

The ice cream is so good,
I would buy either
and a glass of milk

But, if you do not scream for ice cream, do your own research on AOL work at this time. It is very sweet, how fresh job listings!

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