Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ask Jack: dogs at work, E-mail CV and Job of the Week

Victor the dog to work
Jay Kubassek

Dog owners AOL Jobs player Denise is in a "strawberry"

My dog Lucky is the sweetest dog on earth. He hates being alone at home during the day, so I started it in the office. People loved; Happiness is so soft and warm and quiet and not disturb anyone. But a person who complains remain nameless and now I'm not allowed to bring more happiness. Is that fair? It seems silly.

There was a dog in my accountant office, but he tried to get me to "rollover" my IRA. This is a difficult question, Denise. I personally like a dog at the workplace; looks good for morale and can be a little break during the day for people. Of course it is a distraction, but only a million distractions at work (online shopping, to decide where to eat, young visitors, etc. etc.) But here's the thing: Everyone should be okay with it. People with allergies and people have phobias; You do not want to create a "hostile environment" for an employee. Furthermore, there are problems of cleaning and possibly insurance matters. Even if Jeffrey decides her pussy now Mr. Whiskerpoof to bring in the office? Maybe there's a compromise: Every Friday, a person suffering bring a pet? Or at least, not the year to take your dog to work day . Makes sense? OK, now sit. Stay. Begging. Well used, good, good people!

Travis wonders:

What do you think of using (undergraduate and / or graduate) edu email your Alma Mater think on your resume? Did you say yes or no?

I can only say? I mean maybe. My gut feeling is that you do not want the HR person or hiring manager to confuse, in a quick glance, you might think that working in the university. Like dogs in the office, should e-mail addresses not be a distraction. So overall I would say, keep it simple: I first name last name provider very popular e-mail is not mentioned here, but could name starting with G. @ be fine, but a bit unwieldy. And you certainly do not want to be "Honeybear263" or "COLTSFAN4EVA."

However, if you attended a school in the foreground, or advertise in any educational or research basis, .edu address could be to your advantage. Even with this fast "awesome, this person is a university!" The bottom line in one of the first lines CV : You will immediately see to work for you, so that you can work for them your e-mail address.

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem working for Jack? Write it in the comments below (the best answers to questions this week are also welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs #AskJack with the hashtag.

Jack Workweek

You know the perfect job for having dogs at work? Vet! And there is an opening for a resident veterinarian in Minnesota School of Business. Ooh, maybe you have a .edu e-mail address; It's a win-win! If you are not at work "wild" animals do their own research on AOL Jobs . Before you know it, you are more than a large dog new job!

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