Friday, December 19, 2014

How to revitalize your job search

Late night navigation
Getty First tip: Do you sit at your computer all day (and night).

If you are job searching is easy to focus on their resume, cover letter and application to the exclusion of all others to make in your life. Ironically, this laser focus actually help you be successful. In the new year, consider taking the following steps and something else, so you get a chance.

Get away from the home or office. Nothing is worse than spending all your free time on your computer. If you develop a squint to try to decipher online job descriptions, lower the screen of your computer, tablet or smartphone and go and do something.

It is no secret that the network is the key to the chances of landing. For decades, the job search is to say were the coaches job seekers to a network, and up to 80 percent of jobs are filled through networking. If not, try it and see how it works for you. Of course, you can take a formal event for networking, but can also be in a soup kitchen project, is your local coffee and schedule a haircut, the opportunity to the people who speak not usually see. Avoid large error jobseeker in order to keep your computer.

Get healthy. This is the time of year when all decisions about your health or weight. If you are looking for a job, look and feel can best help. While it is not necessary proportions supermodel to land your dream job, better talk about yourself, if you believe that your credentials with more confidence and employers will notice.

If you've been dropped into the gym, look at it as an opportunity for networking. You can even put your business or network cards in your gym bag, you never know you might find. Also, if you are working with a coach (many gyms offer free sessions when you join) will have new contact network of the brand. Never underestimate the power of networks of people able to speak any time of day with new friends! Visit on offer great networking opportunities throughout the year.

Instead of thinking of something healthy that violates your search or do away from your computer, try yourself permission to try something new; It may be just what you need.

Try a new hobby. He has been seeing this type of knitting local yarn store, but do not want to spend money and time? Have fun! You never know how it inspiring to learn something new. While it's great, out of the house to get new people to meet, if you are an introvert, try to take an online class instead. Sometimes just learning a new skill is enough to break the routine, to help you in your job search to be successful.

Do you use social media. Maybe it's too cold to go much. Red is not lost on you! Note, networking has to say today more boring participate in events where you try to give people a 2-minute meeting "Elevator Pitch". (Who listens to a how?) Fortunately for you, offers social media opportunities to meet new people online is that you never take the opportunity in real life. Join LinkedIn groups, meeting places and Twitter chats . Actively participate and engage with potential colleagues that suggest that you apply for opportunities where they work. References are statistically more likely to get interviews and CV avoid "black hole" feared.

Try something new, and before you know you can have a delicate interview and a job!

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