Monday, December 15, 2014

4 places where you should not networked

Horizontal photo of three roses ...
Shutterstock Funeral: Dating is not appropriate.

By Maria Elena Duron

Every place is a good place to connect with, right? Because people do business with people. A gathering of people is to connect a prime location in the network and to exchange Twitter handles or even business cards. However, this does not apply for all occasions.

Networking and, in a manner that reflects positively on you and your environment requires much restraint and self-discipline. If you do not have to calculate every interaction, others give the impression that you are. Reticent, disinterested or worried about something more important than what is happening now In the following situations, the risk may be much greater than the reward:

1. In a celebration with a guest of honor or a very personal approach over someone

Risk: Stay away from the center honored the event and for you. Ambitious Networkers can seem like a bull in a china shop and ask if to greet you sociable cards. In an attempt to listen to others and the booming voice of a networker can deceive and distract listen to the attention of the celebrations and purpose of collection.

Best practice: Focus officiant at the ceremony and the. You can still get connected, but only in a very subtle way. In "How to Win Friends" by Dale Carnegie says if you can get people about themselves and what is important to talk with them, will have an interest in it.

Train your network problems during the celebrant may ask, "how do you know [honor]?" Or: "It was [honoree] when you meet him?" And then listen. The more you about someone, and what they value the most powerful and competent you are white in the development of this relationship for a more appropriate time or at a later meeting.

2. In any case, if it is time over Close

The danger: Hear and see more of what you want or need to be reminded, and the person who saw and heard someone at a time when it was not his finest hour. There are times when we repent of our behavior. And so we can all associate with or remember from that time to prevent in our lives. This is very similar to known halo effect when someone connected to a wonderful event, or event in your life, with the exception of the association is now negative.

We've all had the experience longer than expected. Perhaps we saw the wild dance on the table to all who were there disturbed. We heard the sharp struggle between a couple. Or we saw the mess of one of the participants made intoxicated.

Best practice: see time at an event. It is a time when the presence in the environment from, and that's when you leave. Do not attempt to connect, if people are getting stronger or argumentative or leave their inhibitions. Get out of the event and the associated with this memory.

3. In a very personal tragedy

The danger exit as callous, calculating and callous. These moments and encounters are all about the survivors or victims and those who care for them. Seeing this as an opportunistic moment can immediately turn around and be extremely damaging to the reputation.

Here you can share than any words. How can you help? What you can do to make life easier for survivors, victims and families?

Best practice: Now is the time to jump into action and help in a way that is helpful to the needy and suffering. In "The Go-Giver" Bob Burg focus shifted to reach the first place the interests of others and continuously add value to their lives ultimately leads to unexpected returns.

4. At the party or children's events

The danger is too ambitious person who was your needs and interests taking care of a child perceived. Imagine that during a football game and realize that the person you are waiting to have to answer is sitting next to you in the stands. No time or money in the game, this is a good time to connect with.

Best practice: Remember the basics of building relationships: Discover what's important to someone, and share your common framework. This could short comments about how your child or comment about how wonderful it is able to be to watch the game. Will you take part of the event and the time to participate. The most important practice is to focus on this and make sure that you know what most of the present focus on the essentials.

Maria Elena Duron is a relationship coach brand, a national speaker, author and small business marketing coach who "specialize the five languages of the vote in place shall work" to help individuals, teams, companies and organizations in the concepts of their business and daily interactions with customers. She is editor of the Personal Branding Blog.

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