Monday, December 22, 2014

Candy Crowley farewell after 27 years at CNN

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney participate in the second presidential debate

After 27 years at CNN, signed from Candy Crowley . On Sunday she received his last State of the Union and ending in an exclusive interview with President Barack Obama greets his competition Sunday morning and warm farewell to his fans.

In the interview, Crowley and Obama discussed cyber attack by North Korea in Sony Pictures, race in America, Guantanamo Bay, and international relations with Cuba, Russia and Iran. At the end of the conversation Crowley received a congratulatory letter from the President.

"Candy, I mean, congratulations on an outstanding career," Obama said at a news presenter . "We will miss you, but I'm sure it will be great things in the future and hope that we have the opportunity to interact again."

"I hope so too," Crowley said the two shook hands and wished each other a great holiday.

Obama was not the only one to greet the Crowley. After image of a young Crowley Roll 1983 called first question President Ronald Reagan as a member of the press by the White House as varied as Fox News, Chris Wallace, George Stephanopoulos of ABC, CBS News Bob Schieffer, Chuck Todd, NBC News and CNN's Wolf Blitzer authors studied the camera and congratulated. Many of these anchors were competing Crowley Sunday morning, but still wanted to greet his teammates.

The last words that Crowley was , as she says, "New TV, as you know, is a team sport. It does not take a village, a medium-sized country."

He thanked the audience, his many interview partners, colleagues, his State of the Union and children occupation. After thanking her children, she joked that she was not going to move one of them. Your next step is still secret, saying only that he plans "to try something new in a new place."

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