Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ask Jack: Make Night Top U-freelancers, jobs of the week


AOL Jobs Mitchell reader says ...

My boss told me he only said, a "half-decent job, maybe even a good job" wants to make in my next project. Way bar to make nice and low. Poor, Comin 'Right Up! How should I respond?

Why suddenly I remembered these ads on the rate of medium-speed connection? Anyway, I think, more to do with it is your boss or with a particular customer, rather than specifically directed to you. Instead of trying to hit out of the park in each project, some patterns only focus on the old resources, time and money. And small customers are often considered unworthy of a commodity.

What can you do as a caring zipper machines, the company? Turn on the things below average? I would not recommend it; You have to protect your own reputation. That is, in any case, keep in mind the boss comments on this and future projects meet the deadline, and if you have no control over project costs without overspending. He has nothing to complain about, and you will have the satisfaction of producing quality work. And everyone is happy and smiling flutter at work by now and monkeys in my pants.

Judy asks:

I began last year to work for me. So far so good, but I have a question. I did some work in December, but I have not received the check until this month. In what year did I get this income on my taxes in 2014 or 2015?

Can I get a first round of applause for independent person who will be honest with your taxes? A grateful nation salutes. Now the IRS is very clear on this issue, but it depends on if you produce what is known as the method of cash or known accrual basis. Containing According to the IRS, along with the cash method "in your gross income all the games actual income or [in] its fiscal year. "So in your case, Judy, but in order that income in 2015. Under the accrual accounting report income when it is earned, not when it is received, please report. Both methods apply to self-employed persons who speak their services, not products, but you might want to a tax professional. Because if I say no more, I'll talk to you in the same place where monkeys flew in the previous question.

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem at work for Jack? Write it in the comments below (better answers to the questions in this week are welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs hashtag with #AskJack.

Jack week

Perhaps you have read the last question, and I thought, "Wait a minute, I'm an accountant and I need a job" Well, we've got you covered: season tax preparer nationwide tax-free locations. Its mission is "to improve the standard every day, have fun!" And it looks great for me. If tax preparation and fun is not your job to do your own research on AOL work . You will probably have a job that will not find too painful.

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