Wednesday, January 7, 2015

13 tips to keep your New Year's resolutions

Targets or new years resolutions ...

It took a long time to realize that what I thought as "resolutions" could almost always be characterized as "habits". Very often, when people want to make some kind of change in the new year, they want to control a kind of habit. (If you want to know the basic seven habits, look here .)

Since I started working on my habits for my book on the changing habits better than before , and as my luck baseball draft resolutions, I called to help many strategies to stick to resolutions.
Here are a few:

.. 1. Be specific not resolve to "friends" or "strengthening of friendship" is too vague to make more friends as part of my happiness project, I have some very concrete resolutions like: "Create a Group" "Remember birthdays," "Say Hello", "Make plans", "self" and "No rumors".

2. Write it down.

3. Check your permanent solution. If your resolution is buzzing in my head, it's easier to stick to it. Check my graphics resolutions every night.

4. Do you think Talk with others about your resolution or join a group of like-minded him (my method) is featured on a table. - What to make you feel responsible for you to success and failure.

5. Think big, you might have a big change, need a great adventure. - A trip to a foreign country, a pause, a movement, a new job. Let nothing, and introduce plan from there.

6. Think small. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that only radical change can make a difference. Keep your refrigerator emptied it could give a real boost. Look close to home for ways to improve and grow.

7. Help to ask. Why is it so hard? But every time I asked for help, I am surprised at how much easier it is my job.

If you think this is a particularly hard time resolutions, if you have a production model and the rest, try the following strategies:

8. Consider only pleasant resolutions. We can make our happiest life in many ways. If you have tried the approach training camp unsuccessfully tried to solve the "go to more movies" a, "entertain often," or always find whatever you keep fun resolutions. They often have more fun in life, it is easier to make things difficult. More films might be easier to hold it to the gym. Remember, we need good stuff!

9. Consider what a solution. If you continue to make and break a resolution, consider whether you should give it entirely. Put your energy changes that are realistic and meaningful. Do not let an unfulfilled resolution to lose 20 pounds or redesign your patio block raid other resolutions smaller, which could give a boost of happiness.

10. Consider keeping your resolution every day. Interestingly, it is often easier to do something every day (exercise, post on a blog, opposite the post office, laundry) every few days.

11. a deadline.

12 is not lost when something bothers your appointment.

13. "Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good." Thank you, Voltaire. If the resolution is broken today, try again tomorrow. Although some people think that strong feelings of guilt or shame act as a guarantee to help people to maintain good habits, it's quite the opposite. People who are better able to regain control itself, so that people who feel deeply guilty and full of self-loading more fight less guilt and show compassion for themselves in the face of failure.

What else? What are the strategies you have found to help fulfill your New Year's resolutions?