Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ask Jack: End Runs derailments and employment card of the week

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AOL Jobs Michelle reader wants to know:

What is the best defense against these repeated short?

Although the NFL season just started, I have a vague feeling that this issue is not about football . People are sure messed up, if you enjoy the flexibility of circus someone to go behind his back and head to do. It seems that the first thing you should do is set a good example, the person confront directly. Emphasize that this is always the best way to solve a problem, there is a chain of command for a reason, and you are always open for suggestions, etc.

Assuming that does not work, you have no choice but ... rat person. Now you can be tricky, because you do not want to be in a "oooh I say" or so as too defensive. Explain plus-up, the "come to his attention that" person X does not consider the chain of command (unprofessional!) What have you tried to deal with the situation head-to-head several times and expressed concern about the tight schedule of the supervisor. wonder aloud if you associate staff If this fails, at least have to send a message. "I know what happened, and I do not know how." Then go to your boss's head. Ah, the circle of life!

Kevin has started a new job recently and have a question ....

I use my second first name (I never liked my first name). But if business cards printed for me, you know what, my name is there. Many of them. If I new, or what?

So wait, your name is Kevin? I'm so confused. Talk to the person who ordered them. See if a new game is a great thing; if there is a regular supplier who could do "at home" to keep everyone happy. But at the end of the day, his name is really all you have. And if you put this card to wish the other person to trust. A fraction of a second, "Wait, Kevin told me it was, but having said Charlemagne," a significant effect, perhaps someone who can use it to your advantage, as you might have it. . Topic of conversation in the worst case, simply place it in aquariums around the city, maybe you get a free meal.

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem at work for Jack? Write in the comments below (the best answers to the questions this week are welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs with #AskJack hashtag.

With Jack week

You will never check a wrong card again, if the person who is the card design! It is a graphic design position at that time certainly open police and fire services in Indianapolis, Indiana Association. I think the benefits are very good. And fire drills must be fantastic! The truth is that AOL Jobs has thousands of good jobs side by side for you Search now. They complain about your own business card in no time.

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