Friday, July 17, 2015

6 sample questions require employers to assess their personality

Customer Satisfaction Survey Service or multiple-choice test
By Shana Lebowitz

At least three-quarters of the more than 100 employees use personality assessments for outsourcing - and this number is constantly growing.

These tests are used to measure properties such as skills, work ethic, and emotional intelligence.

We joined Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Ph.D., CEO of Hogan Assessment Systems and now a professor of psychology at University College London to learn more about these ratings personality. The following six questions are examples of questions that you want to see the next time you apply for a job.

Note, however, that the ideal answer to each of these questions depends largely on the individual employer and the properties to evaluate them. For example, Chamorro-Premuzic says Kipp its agreement with the statement "I am good at what I do" could be used to measure either confidence or arrogance.

Chamorro-Premuzic said it is also important to note that some questions are never used to capture the personality of the candidates. Instead, employers are looking at all your answers to the values and skills come with dozens of his traits.

However, Chamorro-Premuzic provided generally seen a number of questions in Assessments of personality, with an explanation of what they might mean and how to respond. For each of them, candidates are asked whether they agree with the statement.

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