Monday, August 4, 2014

Make the most of his first months on the job

Business people having a working lunch in the restaurant

From Shannon Lee,

The first month in the new job is to sit down and make a good impression. There are some things that new recruits can get right, get started, and the behaviors that should probably be avoided if you want to stay long term. Here is a guide of things to do and not do for new employees.

Good ways to make the first head of the month

The interview is, of course, signed the papers and it is time to start. Supporting these good first impression with these must-dos in the first month on the job.

Presentations. Boss could make presentations to colleagues and other regulatory agencies, but to take the initiative to greet each other on their own to make a better impression.

Hereafter. Now is the time to make promises during the interview process and show that the company has the right to rent. Get to work on a voluntary basis and for - within reason, of course.

Say Yes to the lunch invitation. Lunch outside the office is a relaxing time to get to know someone better. If you are invited to a lunch with colleagues, say yes, if time permits. If an invitation from a boss, say yes, no matter what.

Find guidance through the rough seas of the tutor first month. And you have to fast to stay on. Be on the lookout for someone who knows the ropes, it has some impact in the society and is willing to take on an apprentice.

Ask questions Takes. Time for the new recruits learn the ropes, and everyone knows in the office. So enjoy. Try to understand things at first, but when obstacles arise, do not hesitate to ask for help.

Stay organized. A lot of information is covered in the first month, so that the value of good organizational skills can not be overstated. Keep a pen and paper handy to take notes at every opportunity and checked daily.

Learn the corporate culture. Pay attention to corporate culture and try to fit in. For example, if colleagues prefer, e-mail or instant messaging instead of passing the state to use to say something, follow.

Play it safe. Take a few minutes each day with Wild Facial conjure This means a safe passage and smile, confidence and security that today a good attitude. Confidence can go a long way to avoid solidification of a good first impression.Things in the first month

Just as there are many ways to make a good first impression of the month, there are so many bad decisions that can ruin them. Here are some behaviors to avoid these first few weeks of work.

Late or leave early show. Leave Arriving never too late and never too early. These are developed over time privileges and it is impossible to win in the first month. I work all day, every day.

Waiting for help from the boss. New employees work for managers, and not vice versa. Administrators are there to important questions, and they do not want to be bothered by the little ones. Turn to colleagues as the coffee machine works or find the supply closet.

During the confrontation. Through the employment is great, but with every request will result in a mountain of work and the inevitable exhaustion. Be honest about the limits of time and the learning curve, and you know that it's okay to say "no" occasionally.

Panic and frustration. Overwhelmed can often lead to a breakdown of professionalism. To the frustration by planning day and never too busy. Avoid panic for help before it is really necessary. Stay cool under pressure is a valuable asset.

Social Media., This is not the time to update the status or check Twitter. While others do not follow in the office. Social networks can suck a hard time and gets very professional. At work and nothing but work all day firmly.

Gossip It might. Tempted to hear about this scandal on the accounting and newly hired secretary, but prevent absorbed by the inevitable office gossip. Never say anything negative about anyone, as it could turn against the worst.

Long personal calls. Draws a clear line between professional and personal. Avoid checking texts, answer or otherwise personal matters during working hours. More established staff may be able to delete the lines a little, but it is not a luxury for the new recruits.

Go alone. Which can impress by often too much to drink and then perform work, just to understand everything. Can not not be afraid to ask for help - it's always better to be seen as a team player.

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