Friday, August 15, 2014

Eat well at work: healthy ways to boost energy levels and productivity

Women drinking a shake during the holiday office
Getty / Adam Haglund
From Kaitlin Louie,

Good nutrition is important for optimal performance in all areas of daily life, including work.

No you would know, looking around the office, but. Most packages consist of foods high in fat and refined carbohydrates such as pasta, sandwiches with cheese and mayonnaise, or sometimes no more than a Coke and a few choice food vending machines loaded. Offices that are so nice to provide food and drinks for free often offer incentives such as soft drinks and coffee and refined carbohydrates and sugars, such as bagels, donuts, cereal and granola bars.

Although these foods can comforting to some degree, stress with its combination of refined carbohydrates carbon produce serotonin, sugar, fat and / or salt, to hide their sharpness levels and mental energy.

Tips for eating on the clock
Make sure during the day to eat healthy to improve your concentration and increase your energy and gives you the edge you what have to deal with everything on your plate. Here are some simple steps, high impact are you taking to improve your mood and productivity:

Eating green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are among the healthiest foods that you can eat for a variety of important reasons. Firstly, according to the magazine Clyde Wilson and prevention, help non-starchy vegetables, slow the digestion of starchy foods - varieties that are both refined and unrefined time. If the digestion of carbohydrates is delayed, it means using the brain and the muscles easier energy and your body does not release as much insulin to store excess glucose in the blood. In addition, leafy vegetables contain compounds that may play an important role in fighting various cancers, enhance your mood, and the protection against various diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Enough iron
Iron is the energy, since it is a main component of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in the red blood cells of the body to be transported to various body parts. Iron deficiency has been associated with reduced cognitive function in adults and children. Instead of supplements, try more iron-rich foods in your diet such as lean beef, dark meat chicken, tofu, legumes and dark green vegetables.

Eat enough healthy fats
According to the Los Angeles Times says nutritionist Elizabeth Somers in his book "Eat Your Way to Happiness", such as omega-3 fatty acids are essential for proper brain function and mood regulation. According to Health Magazine deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to the prevalence of depression in the United States. Get a regular dose of omega-3 fatty acids in fish, supplements of fish oil (search for well-known brands that are low in mercury), flax seeds or nuts.

Do not overdo caffeine
While small amounts of caffeine can increase alertness and metabolism, but also can increase his aggression, writes Travis Bradberry Forbes. Furthermore, a study by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has found that cognitive performance increases after consuming caffeine learn is usually an illusion, as "push" is actually the caffeine to a basic level of performance. In other words, if you are addicted to caffeine and during the day, not your doses, you actually lower your normal level of productivity.

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Kaitlin Louie writes for This article was originally published in .

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