Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ask Jack: E 8 hour party, boots, Jobs of the Week

Employees surprise birthday party, smiling
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AOL Jobs Sean reader asks:

What if I invite some of a group of employees - but not all - and someone finds out? How did you manage?

Oh, someone will know; You can bet money. Not to consider one of your guests the guest list carefully and talk about the part of someone who was not invited. And if check all their smartphones at the door (it's not a terrible idea, by the way) is to be the image Facebook or Instagram and someone's feelings will be hurt. Well, you know what? Boo hoo-hoo-Hoover. We're all adults, and it is quite difficult to accept work without worrying about the friendship with all the after hours. I think we all know that deep; accepts the mature person and despised you when it is time to plan your next meeting, simply.

Ah, but if you actually stand on the sidelines? Goofy! However, my advice is simple: Lie like a rug. "What we do not, I'm sure they will Darn computers were invited.". Or the old standby "Oh, I was not responsible for the application." If you are looking for a permanent solution? Only whisper - reaching a hand on his shoulder - "I have had to do with a bit of a bed bug infestation ...."

Kazim has one wish:

I noticed that some colleagues using Office files send letters to personal e-mail. That seems to me to be wrong; I always have my postal stamp on before. These containers Am I worrying too much about it?

Well, first, not to gossip or something, but totally not invite Sean, his party. OK, your stamp issue: Congratulations for being so conscientious; Also everyone in the post office who hate you. ... What? No, I'm not (patent pending) only with my mind silver Tian brand. Depending on the size of your office, using opportunities post office to weigh an automated system and to distribute individual mailpieces. If stampings are added to the mix, someone must manually delete slows down the process and creating a nuisance.

Now I'm not giving carte blanche everyone to abuse the mailroom job. The ethics of people seem to have a little fragile when they are stuck in an office all day: a pen here, there is a shell, and yes, some people think it is their / FedEx Checkout postal workers. It's theft, but still fly. How to keep a tap on his own labels; Please give these bills and greeting cards from the office.

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem at work for Jack? Write in the comments below (the best answers to the questions this week are welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs with #AskJack hashtag.

With Jack week

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