Friday, March 6, 2015

Cut the working from home?

Caucasian man with a laptop on the couch

Marcelle Yeager

Many of us dream of working from home. But it is as simple as it sounds? Some people instinctively know that this is not working for them, because there are too many distractions and things that prefer to do -. And what to do at home if that's what you feel, or you're not sure whether to working from home is right for you, here are some things to consider.

First, you should find a job that I could do from home. There are many options out there, and their abilities to translate some of them. Or you may decide to start a new career. Another consideration is whether you want part time or full time work. Do you do this as a way to have more time to raise the children? They have a long trip? There are many reasons why you might want to go that route.

Sara Sutton Fell agreement, CEO and founder of flexible workplaces, working professional service that people find flexible work helps, these are the most popular areas of telework :, sales, customer service and medical care, administration, education and training, information technology and information marketing, web and software development, accounting and finance, and research. As for the number of hours you put in, she said: "It's a fairly homogeneous mixture of full and part time roles and independent contract jobs for telecommuters are also common."

As with the typical title I work from home jobs, fur Sutton are names: the nursing home or a nurse, administrative assistant, customer service representative, teacher or teacher assistant, software developers, support of technical experts, managers analysis, business development specialist, writer , editor and marketing director.

Although none of these titles directly corresponds you have now, skills can also result in one or more of these jobs. Find out where his experience could by being for specific job descriptions for previous titles are interesting applied.

Second, you must decide whether to work at home is right for you and create the correct settings. If you have a lot of discipline to be successful. "Working from home has to stay focused a unique combination of skills such as the ability to manage themselves, work independently, and often alone," says Sutton Fell. Go to work, "people who work from home, have the mindset that have" "every day, so they can be easily installed in the working mode during the working day following a routine." This means that if you are toddlers, you need childcare arrangements. Otherwise, it will be very difficult or impossible for you, something to Sutton fell as pointed out, is reached. "Try to pay attention to two things at the same time it unfair to pay for their children and for their work."

Which is out of reach of children when they are at home - to enter the working mode, a workspace is created. It could be a range of office space or office complete with all the tools they need for their work. More importantly, it is accessible. Be sure to e-mails and phone messages react in a position immediately. You can even obliged to have a shared his team and the administrator can see the calendar.

Third, you must understand how to eliminate or minimize distractions. It can be like turning off the ringer on your office phone and your work area near the television so simple. Or you could inside or outside the child care home. According to work Sutton Fell, another important feature of successful people from home is the "ability to ignore expect on your DVR distractions such as laundry, dishes and all the TV shows." If you feel a constant traction to these things, or if you do breaks during working hours, and the time your performance will suffer. You can quickly become a job that should not be stressful for the production of loads afraid if you. Away from work, make to manage tasks

Although it sounds complicated, says Sutton Fell good and even better performing than in the company, if your boss is someone who knows how to manage a remote computer. "Managers need to understand that the supervision of a message differs from the supervision of a traditional employee in office," he said. "Once the proper management is available, remote workers are able to thrive."

As for what you can do to make sure that you do your job well at home, to stay focused. Do not let the short or continue to get in the way, to complete the job and does it well distractions. Some network managers and employees think that is already in your home that you are available. Sutton Fell offers this advice to meet these beliefs. "How do you say comfortably people that just because you are at home, does not mean you are not" If you use these strategies and you think working from home is good for you, you can make it work for you.

Marcelle Yeager is the president of the race valet , who provides professional custom navigation. Its purpose is to allow people the skills and jobs they never knew that in order to change your career or enhance your current career had seen. He worked for 10 years as a strategic communications consultant, including four years abroad. Marcelle has an MBA from the University of Maryland.

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