Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ask Jack: Let the therapy, overwhelmed Post-vacay, Jobs of the Week

Medicine and glass

AOL Jobs Sophia reader asks:

Is it always a good idea to their personnel managers who sees a therapist or antidepressants to? When is shown talking about personal problems at home, this information could be used against them in relation to the promotion and advancement?

Sophia, if someone wants to kill you, there's not much you can do ... but do not give balls. (And in fact, there are things you can do :. alarm led police bulletproof vest, duck) therapy related medications and are very common and, of course, be ashamed of anything. However, there is still a stigma that exists between the enlightened few. Combine that with the fact that people do not talk about something someone of no return, and it would be wise to keep quiet. Or at least people who are in regular contact with determining your future career.

Well, there are certainly issues which deserve immense open-- things about their identity, which are ultimately more important than any increase or new title. Only you decide who you want to fight. If you want to be the champion Meds Therapy Office and continue - together to end stigma. But if you just want to speak casually about it, it's pretty easy to say, "I heard from a friend" or read online or heard on public radio ... unless their bosses have a stigma against public service broadcasting , this is.

Ron is back from vacation and is not happy.

It happens all the time! Now I'm back from vacation and work is full. I have to what happened to everything while I was gone to take. I ended up working during lunch, stay up late every day - that is, as if I made a holiday in the first place !! I deserve a real-time !!!

Ron, who seem to have problems to anger; Have you thought about talking to a professional? It is quite disheartening back from a relaxing trip , just a huge pile of work, find a million voice messages and e-mail inbox overflowing. It can really make you question first. Of course, this varies greatly depending on the type of job you have, and your level of responsibility. But there are some standard steps can most people to avoid the post-holiday punch.

Is there a slower time of year in your field, if it would be more logical to take time? (I'm always surprised when his colleagues are planning a week's highlight of our high season.) Can you delegate? Not everyone can. (Maturity for Another therapeutic area!) In his voice out of the office and e-mails to give contact information to someone who can help. Alert your colleagues at the earliest opportunity; enable them to plan. And complete as many projects as possible before you go. Then when you're gone, realize that they do not need, and all that awaits you on your return, a pink slip is. Hashtag irony!

Ask questions Jack last week

If you have a problem at work for Jack? Write it in the comments below (better answers to the questions in this week are welcome!) Or Tweet AOLJobs hashtag with #AskJack.

Jack week

If you thought, "Wow, Jack knows nothing about standard antidepressants or medical care, but I have no doubt, and of course a full-time nurse would be on a fixed-wing aircraft in Hawaii on the basis of" eh Well I have to go to work you ! But if these words do not apply, there are still thousands of people who can apply more jobs. Do your own research on AOL Jobs . You will be on a new career flying high in no time!

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