Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10 jobs that scare the American workers


By Debra Auerbach

I dress for Halloween? If you go the way of fear, these monsters or zombies costumes evil clowns forget. No - if you want to strike fear in the hearts and souls of the American trick-or-treat or go to their Halloween parties as a teacher, actor or political stand-up.

Or parents to save money on a costume and go as yourself. Because really, what is worse than the education of children?
According to a new CareerBuilder survey, these are just some of the work that American workers are most afraid of. The following is the complete list of jobs * they found the creepiest:

, 1 Political : There are 56,857 politicians / legislators in the United States
Average hourly wage: $ 9.89
Scary for those who fear: accountability; responsible for a large number of people; Rejection.

, 2 microbiologist infectious diseases: In general, there are 20,800 microbiologists in the United States
Average hourly wage: $ 32.61
Scary for those who fear: germs; Ebola; accidentally leave the suit at home.

, 3 wax teenage pop idol concerts : In general, there are 1,163,023 people in the United States Security
Average hourly wage: $ 11.62
Scary for those who are afraid: by screaming tweens trampled.

, 4 Kindergarten Teacher : There are 158,084 teachers (not special education) in the United States
Average hourly wage: $ 24.12
Scary for those who fear: germs; Tantrums; shape the minds of American youth.

, 5 scene : There are 128,432 detectives and investigators and forensic technicians in the United States
Average hourly wage: $ 35.75
Scary for those who fear: Blood; Disappointment on the faces of people when they tell the job is nothing like on TV.

, 6 animal trainer : There are 32,360 animal trainer jobs in USA
Average hourly wage: $ 12.03
Scary for those who fear: the attacks of animals; Allergy attacks.

, 7 Funeral : There are 27,505 jobs funeral, burial and funeral director in the US
Average hourly wage: $ 22.83
Scary for those who fear: dead; Silence Zombie attack.

, 8 radio, mobile devices and installer workshop Tower : There are 16,213 radios installer and workshop and cell tower jobs in the United States
Average hourly wage: $ 21.59
Scary for those who fear: Heights.

, 9 Stand-up comedy : There are 37,272 jobs in artists and performers, sports and related industry workers, including actors, USA
Average hourly wage: $ 16.89
Scary for those who fear public speaking; awkward silence.

, 10 Parents : There are jobs that parents tell even in the United States.
Average hourly wage: Not enough.
Scary for those who fear: Almost all previous fears.
Maintaining the scariest job in the world

While these jobs American workers can scare, what is more alarming, the fact that many find employment. Check out this video to see how the fear-inducing job search - can be - especially the interviews.

* Employment data for each profession Intl economic modeling specialists.

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