Monday, February 8, 2016

increase 3 ways to say no at work your career

Man and woman talking in the office


Many of us think that, consciously or not, it is important to say yes to work, especially for our leaders . Although we know that sometimes rational not to say to a better management of our time - will have been exceeded or if we are not able to handle a task - I think most of us are securely connected to tell others and in his work. It makes sense, at a basic level. We are here to do a job. If someone us to do something, asks our instinct may be yes. But we know rationally that it is extremely important, not to say at work sometimes. And emotional intelligence is required simply do not react to a situation or take an application, but the time to step back, think about the best course of action, and then act accordingly. Too often it is easy to fall into the habit, so to speak, rather than a more difficult with - the call is not to say or negotiate an alternative - but it may be more productive.

If you are someone, even more than you should tends say here are three ways to learn how to stop.

, 1. Say no to know each satisfied that these words: ". The key is trying to failure, to please everybody" "We can not everything can be for all" and it feels good to please others. You may even feel
Addiction for some people. And if we do too often, we have to shoot at the end of the walk.

Pay attention to the strength of this desire to please people for you. If you say, is often the driving force?

Action tip: Imagine the human kind on one side of his personality, almost like a human being in you, and once you start to notice more, you can better handle. Be objective about it by observing, asking if the desire to please and get yourself: "Is this the right time for" your side in both good people? The strength and weakness of power. is the motivation to help others. Weakness is, if you do it at your expense. Put a star by the time that you have answered yes to someone alone on their behalf and not practice. Or if you said yes to them, and that was a mistake.

2. Say no to appeasement. Go ahead in your career, it takes work. Sometimes we do not have a job, a good option for us, but it is comfortable - like his pair carries
Slippers. To perform this task. You all know. They know what is expected of you. And even if you do something else dreaming, just seem to slip through the day. They feel good about their work, but no passion for what you do. If this sounds familiar, you have to wonder whether it is time for this race to say no and move on.

Action tip: Consider where you are happy in your current job - and his career in general. Create two columns your lists to separate on the side. In his current job is not enough? Shortcuts ¿affect performance is made? everything we did, to be honest with yourself. Now you look at your long-term career. Do you have a strategic plan five-year career? Standing with his directing career in the direction you want to go happy? Consider long-term career goals as well. Finally, consider the steps that you get out of your comfort zone and say must take no to appeasement. Write them down and consider times in the past when they took a risk and succeeded. What keeps you motivated to achieve this goal? Identify not only what to do, but the responsibility must be created to move forward, including the time written on your calendar, your friends and family stay true to their goals.

3. Do not say like everyone else to be. On the world market, with the ability to work remotely , the competition for jobs in some sectors is stronger than ever. With the expansion of the pool of candidates for the overseas markets in which candidates have many of the same skills as you do, it is necessary to support in a position to move forward. This council will say not to be complacent. Embracing their differences, to develop a niche for itself and unique set of skills and they work for you.

Action tip: take 20 minutes longer than their peers in their industry to think and recognize three things - the skills, experience and education - they do not have to do. Check out their LinkedIn profile, if necessary. can To consider any of these to your repertoire over the next three to six months to add. As? Consider two steps. Then evaluate their social skills and talents that stand out. How can you take advantage of the professional? Thus, for example, if you look great preparation of presentations to create a small sample and is his boss, and offer a future design for a client or in the office to prepare. Or if you speak another language, you could offer files in that language to translate or to be an interpreter for customers. These steps can help their superiors see its value and help you stand out in the market.

Remember, do not like a muscle, some of us can, we have to develop. Since the work in the gym, it takes time to develop this skill. You will make it. Take it easy, if necessary.

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