Wednesday, January 13, 2016

6 harmless lies that help Ace your interview may

Press patient with his hand behind his back thumb, talking to a doctor


We have all been warned at one point: "Never lie in an interview"

But Peter Harris, editor of the online job board Workopolis, said that "not only is not realistic."

"It is true that there will probably tell lies in order to be hired for a new job have," he explains. "By the way, you do not lie about the skills that do not really need. It is about for a job that is not really there can be hired."

You should not somewhere you do not or diplomas you have not really won over the work, are, he adds. "This can be easily confirmed by inspections, and are usually leave at the end."

But some half-truths, exaggerations or white lies on your resume, application or in an interview after he said.

Here are some that are acceptable in certain situations:

1. "Yes, I have worked in these three companies.

"If you worked somewhere for a very short time, or if it was bad - you were sacked or burned Cause bridges on the road - Leave your resume," Harris said. "A resume should be no exhaustive list of everything that you've done. It's a marketing tool for the job you want. So just a list of relevant positive experience."

2. "I loved everyone on the old computer.

Nobody likes everyone, and there are probably some difficult personalities at each workstation.

"However, should any potential employer to say how the staff in his previous work and the way it was a privilege to work with great people," he suggests. "Everything else will take you to sound like a whiner and possibly a personality problem itself."

3. "My interests include reading, traveling, charity ..."

If you are your true passions beer, popcorn and Netflix, you should not talk about in your job interview (unless, of course, secret or Sam Adams for a job with Netflix or pop you apply).

"If you go to the list of interest at all in your resume or to discuss in your interview, make sure they are right on the activity or the culture of the company, to be based," says Harris. "The company's website includes team photos on mountain charity? If so, his interests include mountain biking and charitable fundraising."

4. "My last boss was the greatest."

The most common reason people leave their jobs because of their relationship with their manager. But it's not something that can be entrusted to a future boss.
"Suppose your former manager was a great leader and he learned a lot from them," he advises. "Bad mouth of his former boss has the potential new wonder what to tell you to your next theme."

5. "I think to quit my job because it looks great chance to pass up."

The real reason was probably leaving something to do with the boss, colleagues, the work itself, the trip or money. "But that's not what you say," says Harris, "Tell your potential new boss is that this time -. His company -. He came career moves to expect and you will work passionately for them in particular."

6. "My greatest weakness is ..."

You should not to do something - but not necessarily share the most real weakness.

"Everyone's time to answer this question," said Harris. "That's how the game is played. You can honestly say that your greatest weakness is the lack of attention to detail and the grace to accept feedback."

Instead, a weakness that do not affect their ability to work in hand, and to explain how it works, improve it share.

"This shows that you are confident and proactively," he adds.

If you get caught ...

Harris said that these are the kinds of lies, you are very unlikely to be confused. But if you get caught in a lie, excuse me, he suggests.

"Explain that you so passionately about the role that had stretched the truth to prove the chance, I could really get the job done. You can always cook anyway, but it's worth a try," he said.

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