Friday, June 26, 2015

24 ways to stop in terrible decisions (and catch better)

A sign with two arrows in different directions
For sugar Rachel

Every day we face an endless onslaught of choices, from the trivial (vs marinara pesto) to extremely important (that should quit your job?).

Too often we are only going with our gut and do what "good feeling". And it's not always a bad decision.

But there is one problem with this strategy: feelings let us open to a variety of behavioral and psychological biases - biases that affect how we think and to take us to the wrong decisions.

By knowing the trends that we lead down the wrong path - and taking into account some techniques to reduce the chances of maximizing the right - we can make better decisions more rational. There can not be a way to the future (yet), but these 24 tips decisions could be the next best thing.

Max Nisen and Aimee Groth contributed to an earlier version of this article.

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