Friday, June 5, 2015

21 things you on your first day of work

Congratulations Promotion!
By Jacquelyn Smith

And maybe stressful - - The first day of his career his new job, one of the unforgettable.

"Most of us remember our first day to impress in any job due to the increased pressure," says Lynn Taylor, an expert at the center of national staff and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant-Managing Childish behavior and to head thrive in their work. "" But you can reduce your anxiety and how meticulous in planning his first day were in the safety of his new position. "

David Parnell, legal advisers, communications coach and author, said it was easy, even tempting, passive with the ride "Tower of the human resources that usually starts the first day of work." It will fill in forms, videos, to see, to meet people, "and usually no special responsibility actual position," he said. "But if you have a passive or active response would be a mistake. The first day set the tone for the rest of his career with that interacts with you."

Here are 21 things that you do the first day of his new work:

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