Monday, February 23, 2015

The psychological effects of unemployment

Frustrated and sad business stress sitting in the corner of the depressed and desperate edgy street jobs crisis Aski
We all know that unemployment can lead a person, but do you actually know can change your personality? According to a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology , to employment gap personality changes that could make it harder lead it back to the workforce.

The four-year study 6769 German adults gave a test to five major personality traits (consciousness, neurosis, kindness, extraversion and openness) in two points between 2006 and 2009 to measure the 210 participants said that they were unemployed one to four years, during the time of the study, and another 251 were unemployed for less than a year before she found work.

Kindness for participants in unemployment has declined in general over time, but there was a significant difference between the sexes. During the hiring women tend to decline over the years of unemployment, men had an increase of friendship in the first two years of unemployment. But after the honeymoon ends Funemployment begins, remove the recognition of people even after two years of work.

With each year of unemployment, the consciousness of men has declined. Women, meanwhile, an increase of consciousness in the early and late periods of unemployment, a decline of consciousness in the middle.

"The results call for the idea that our personalities are" fixed "and show that the impact of external factors such as unemployment can have a significant impact on our basic personality factors," said study author Christopher J. Boyce, Ph.D. .D.

Because employers often as desirable features awareness and kindness in hiring, are interesting to look at the results of this study. Boyce believes the solution to provide greater efforts to reduce unemployment and to support the unemployed decision.

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