Monday, February 23, 2015

Personality types that make the most money and a minimum

Paycheck and glasses

By Jacquelyn Smith

Too much money does it determine: their level of education; Do you choose to pursue; the company for which he works; their technical skills; and the ability to negotiate.

But one thing that you really have no control over that affects your salary is your personality.

According to Myers Briggs indicator that tested the binary behavior, there are a total of 16 different personality types.

The site assessment of the race created an infographic that, among other things, shows the median household income for everyone.

Here's a look at the average wage per type of personality:
Career site review

People with ENTJ (Extroverted Intuitive, think, judge) give, what to be natural leaders, earn more money on average tend.

"In general directions are short and long term will be able to read the data efficiently, what they find patterns and creative solutions to problems," says Jonathan Bollag, executive coach and founder of career assessment. "You have this information via a logic-based filter to objective decisions. Then add a preference for extraversion, which makes it easier networking and communication translated with large groups of people."

Combining these personality preferences to the possibility that a person who is to be an effective and efficient solver problem with a long-term basis to create.

"These people also to represent their position from a logical point of view tend, and are able to provide the right connections to provide leadership opportunities," said Bollag. "It is no coincidence that such contributions come up with something more potential income is possible."

At the other end of the spectrum is the INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, feel, perceive) enter.

"People with type INFP personality are introverted and they tend to be less comfortable with networking and" extent "in general," he said. "This can lead to missed opportunities, contacts, they can go to higher income positions."

And in a world where "you know" is more important than "what you know" that can be harmful.

These people also, a career that can offer great flexibility and freedom in their creative expression tend to be attracted to manifest their conditions, Bollag said. "For this reason, you will find many INFP to go in areas such as music, art and creative writing," he says. "Unfortunately, income statistics, there is a very good reason why we use the term" starving artist "and some examples of famous artists, writers, musicians, they're great, are a very small percentage of the population."

Finally, he said, are usually on a subjective analysis of situations in which decisions are based. "You look at the impact of their decisions on others and strive for harmony in your environment to achieve. While there's nothing wrong with that point of view, can be carried out to make records of the positions they are forced, on the basis decisions in the logic of other embodiments in a negative way. "

For example, an INFP a much harder time deciding on the enterprise level for the betterment of society as someone who is a thought ("T") type based personality had laid off thousands of employees. "A personality type base-T may be able to justify the action, but a personality based on F, INFP as persistent problems with this decision long after it to have been made."

When you combine all of these aspects, some added high-income career Bollag to find a combination that are less likely to naturally attracted.

He says it is important to note that these are "average" and that does not mean you can not be a large living room, while with INFP personality type.

"Your personality type not prescribe how well you're right. Let's just you know what settings are natural for you," said Bollag. "What is with this knowledge and how your career choice is hard have the greatest impact on your earning potential to do."

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