Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ask Jack: Turns sweaty, bad breath, and the employment of the week

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An anonymous reader writes sweat AOL Jobs:

I started with a shared bicycle program as part of my daily ride recently. I'm in love, just that I have the ability to hot and sweaty office. My colleagues are well trained, or not yet realized that I suck! What can I do about it?

Hello, first of all, congratulations: you are helping the environment and exercise. Well, you stink a bit - it would be a reasonable compromise, if not unfair to their colleagues. (Seem to have more offices) By chance, there is a gym at work or belong to a close, where you can take a quick shower? I do not? Well, at least you can be to work early, take a cool t-shirt with you, rub on a bathroom stall, again deodorant, and voila, you almost kinda good as new.

Speaking of scents work, said reader fragrance itive:

Help!! I have a colleague who's a really good guy, but his breath stinks! It is really unbearable when I talk to him. How do I let him know without hurting?

It is very simple: Get an unpleasant person in the office to tell him. Wait, I think feelings is not ideal in the Department violated. In a previous post of mine, someone left a bottle of mouthwash on the desk of a colleague - crude, perhaps, but effective. But I think we can do better. Polite How about an anonymous note. Important: singular term "we" could say a paranoid person, "Oh my God, everyone is talking about me," do So keep your message positive language a real one-to-one sofa (which is a really good person, and I love a partner, etc.), and ... uh ... I think there is just a little.

That's what I mean: maybe the good old anonymous you have suffered from a similar problem, and they were very thankful that someone pointed out, and found some simple tips online to treat your bad breath. In fact, it may be helpful to know they are not alone in a difficult situation. (And then that person will start brushing and flossing at work, and last week Jim player is incredibly boring.'s very hard to please everyone.) Notwithstanding get cut a little slack colleagues. It could be a medical reason is not so easy to answer - or who knows what will be the cause. Remember, in these discussions face to face, you can always "turn the other cheek."

Click here to see the questions last week

Have a problem of work Jack? Write in the comments below (the best answers to this week are welcome too!) Or tweet @ AOLJobs with the hashtag # AskJack.


Of course, these programs Handbike are great, but how do they know how to put a bike in different places? With new jobs as " rebalancing "position in Chicago, that's how! Hey, this could be a good job with wheels for you - or if not, look for other large openings in AOL Jobs that are over their (ten) speed.

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