Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tires Ax class trip Adirondack Log Lumberjack

Paul Smiths, New York (dpa) - The Axe is promoted in the class lumberjack. Also good for you to empty your classmates in the lake - as long as the two are desperately trying to stand on a piece of wood.

School year Adirondack wood this summer amid tall pines and the tranquil waters of Paul Smith College. Despite the name of the course, no bushy beards here no flannel shirts, strapped or livestock.

Instead, recently took 18 young students of shirts gray cut to sporting suit in an intensive one-week course on the skills of the old school as a lumberjack, carving, ax throwing, running, and to the growth poles. While the course is a credit to the university, many of the participants is reflected Tommy Grunow, who said he wanted to learn were "Lumberjacking lost art."

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